Short on Time?

Time2Grow #1 Damn the paradox! Full speed ahead! Apart  from   time travelers  -  which are a very rare type of people -   we all  get the same  24 hours   a day .  Similarly, monks , hermits and lone wolves are usually the only ones capable of freeing themselves without delay from the most ordinary types of everyday hassles and many other kinds of  not-so-fun   responsibilities. Ain't it cool to shave your head...? So, what does this leaves us with? 😕   Well... with an overwhelming majority of people having exactly the same amount of time in hand as you do , and – most likely – the same unexceptional daily chores and struggles ... Same "stuff", different day... We’re not all that different , although some may try to convince you otherwise. Especially time lords . They’re the worst.  Speaking of which… never trust a time lord .  Have you ever met one?  Full temporal perception … being able to observe the past, the present and the future… in any timestream . Hm

The tool which will improve your teamwork!

You asked, we answered!For most of us, we think time tracking should be easy to administrate and manage because you don’t want to spend a lot of time with it. Because of this, and thanks to all of our user’s requests, did we take the best part of our time tracking application and expanded its’ possibilities to an all new team overview!

primaERP TIME TRACKING facilitates working in a team by having you all together in one account with different roles. This is no news but now, with this new team overview, it doesn’t matter if you work for different projects or clients.  You can work with your tracked time in multiple ways and view and organize your and your team’s performance all in one place. This is really helpful if you are in a team, as you can have a nice overview of what your team and project members are doing. Also, you can move and edit your data all at one time, which gives you many options. For example, let’s say you by accident created 2 projects with the same name and your team is tracking their time on both. This makes it difficult and unorganized. So with this feature, you can now just move all of the tracked time to one project and just delete the old one. Much better, right? 

In general, it really helps you organize yourself and your team, which in turn saves you time (and this is what we all want at the end, correct? :-) ). 

Team calendar

The team calendar gives you the possibility to see what you and your colleagues are doing and at one glance see how much time they are spending per day, week or month. You can then easily compare and see what everyone’s been up to, especially since each user has different colors assigned as well as decide what information you want to be displayed in the calendar. 

Team table

You also have the possibility to organize your team with the table view. Here you can see the tracked time for a certain time range and also choose what information you want to be displayed. What is also nice, is that you can group the data together. Let’s say you group the table per client, which will help you see at once which client you are spending the most time on and which one of your team members is most involved.  We don’t always choose the right projects, tasks or activities when we first decide to track time. This is completely normal-  you're just learning more about your time. With the variety of tools, you can easily adjust your time records to match your new and more realistic structure of your time tracking account. :-)

If you haven’t signed up to, try it out! It’s very easy to use and free for 3 users, so perfect for teams! By the way, the above mentioned team overview is found as 1 of the 4 dashboards. We hope you enjoy it! :-)


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