
Short on Time?

Time2Grow #1 Damn the paradox! Full speed ahead! Apart  from   time travelers  -  which are a very rare type of people -   we all  get the same  24 hours   a day .  Similarly, monks , hermits and lone wolves are usually the only ones capable of freeing themselves without delay from the most ordinary types of everyday hassles and many other kinds of  not-so-fun   responsibilities. Ain't it cool to shave your head...? So, what does this leaves us with? 😕   Well... with an overwhelming majority of people having exactly the same amount of time in hand as you do , and – most likely – the same unexceptional daily chores and struggles ... Same "stuff", different day... We’re not all that different , although some may try to convince you otherwise. Especially time lords . They’re the worst.  Speaking of which… never trust a time lord .  Have you ever met one?  Full temporal perception … being able to observe the past, the present and the future… in any timestream . Hm

Which pricing method to use?

We have picked three different methods by which you can determine a price for your work. Unfortunately, there is no universal solution for it. It depends on the person and on a series of circumstances. However, we think this will help you find the best method for you:

This has been a great year thanks to you!

It is the last day of the year and we must thank you for helping us to grow, evolve and mature. Thank you for all the feedback, input and trust invested in primaERP. Check out our 2015 highlights:

Take this time to stop and think!

Check your email, call your colleague, delegate your work, look back at the e-mails, remember that someone is coming to repair the door lock of the building, write up the meeting notes, attend the lunch with the new client, get stuck in traffic due to some demonstrations which block the main street, go back to the office, check your schedule, rearrange your appointment for the next day, write another e-mail, check the budget John sent you 3 weeks ago.. Work! Keep going, no stopping! Don’t waste your time! Go, go go! Ahh ENOUGH! STOP IT! If this sounds all too familiar, stop and pause for a moment if you intend to achieve something effectively while keeping your sanity. 

Project Management: Facts which will surprise you

Ever wonder why projects fail, how much it costs the company and what the role of the project manager in this is? We were and found these surprising statistics!

How to calculate the price of a project

The precise estimate of the costs and the time of a project is crucial to make sure you will stay within the limits of a budget. A miscalculation can lead to financial losses and ultimately make it  impossible to complete the project. Therefore it is necessary to dedicate special attention to detailed planning and to try and foresee possible complications. But how to know what price is reasonable and appropriate based on the quality and complexity of the work to be performed? Or how to estimate the time it will consume? Here are some tips to resolve these issues:

Time management for up-and-coming freelancers

"People think that the hardest thing in the life of a freelancer is to get a contract. Actually, the most difficult thing is to refuse it” tweeted Czech social networking guru Michelle Losekoot . The 88-character tweet managed to summarize the essence of the problem, which sooner or later most individual entrepreneurs on the right path to success will have to face. Taken by the euphoria of seeing their goal on the road of fulfillment, freelancers tend to accept whatever comes their way. They develop the tendency to see refused work as lost money and acknowledge no boundaries concerning what is realistically doable. Does that remind you of something?

How can time tracking help you to concentrate?

There you are, sitting at your desk, facing the computer and trying hard to concentrate on your work. Then there comes a new e-mail or a colleague with something funny to share. The e-mail possibly needs to be read immediately. The colleague, at least out of common sense and courtesy, needs to be acknowledged. Suddenly you no longer have any idea about what you were doing before... Does it remind you of something? Do not worry, it happens to everyone! If you are too overwhelmed, most likely it will come back to you in a few seconds and, if you are lucky, not much time will be lost. It is not always the rule, unfortunately. For those cases in which you may feel you have to much to deal with,   the following time tracking hints can help.

7 tips to run an effective meeting

Meetings are great tools to solve complicated problems, which require speed and decisiveness. If you followed our previously mentioned 7 ways, you can go ahead and send those meeting invitations with a clear conscience. The invitations should be sent to all of the involved parties, which can actually help solve the problem, not to everyone. Once you have decided who to send the invitations to, make sure to include some documents or topics which will be discussed, so that they can prepare for the meeting. Besides putting the place and time of the meeting, you should also try to estimate how long the meeting will take. This is not easy, but your busy colleagues will appreciate it. Now you know how to create the meeting, but how will you organize the meeting itself? Here are some tips which can help.

How to avoid pointless meetings

How often have you found yourself in a meeting that lasted forever in which participants tried to solve all the problems of the world? After many hours of heated discussion about everything, with no solution, comes the exhaustion, disappointment and overall frustration.  Lots of teams everywhere waste their time weekly in meetings that turn out to be empty chatter and ultimately mere waste of time. Nevertheless, meetings are an irreplaceable tool for managing and motivating people. How to organize a successful meeting in which every participant feels enriched? Before each meeting, check whether it meets the following conditions.

Back to school – how will you manage your time this year?

It’s that time of the year again and we’re not speaking about Christmas (at least not yet) J . It’s that time when schools will be filled again and the young adults will go back to studying and learning. Everyone will be busy, and soon you will start thinking, where did the time go? Especially for students, who just spent the summer either relaxing or even working, the daily life filled with books, essays, studying, group meetings while still finding time to spend with friends or hobbies, is back again in full force.

10 reasons to use time tracking

A time tracking software can assist with measuring both personal and team productivity by providing a more accurate idea of ​​how people deal with their own time. It can only help. So, why not explore its full potential? In this article we have compiled 10 reasons to explain why it is worth it to employ time tracking.

3 principles for working successfully with virtual teams

More and more companies take advantage of today’s available technology to work in dispersed or remote teams, which is when members of teams from all over the world collaborate in order to achieve a common goal. This way of working implies a significantly lower cost for business owners and at the same time is convenient for workers who seek to have flexible hours.

primaERP has been busy the last couple of months

Since it's been a while since our last update, we thought it was about time to inform you of the new features, we've "snuck" into primaERP.