Since it's been a while since our last update, we thought it was about time to inform you of the new features, we've "snuck" into primaERP.
As you already
know, we have 3 modules: Attendance, Time Tracking and Billing. Let us give you
an update for each module:
Attendance by primaERP" - the android app
has had some minor updates, so working with it is easier and faster. We've also
been working on some bug fixes as well as giving you the possibility of having
monthly or weekly timesheet. Also,
we created an additional role: the
user. This user can only clock in and out and see his timesheet; he
can not edit time records or delete them for
that matter. He doesn't have to worry about anything but track his work time in
real-time. The advanced attendance user can edit time records, so if you have a
larger team, this enables you to give certain rights to certain users.
Time Tracking
Time Tracking by primaERP" - it is now
possible to track your time per client on the Android app. This means that you
can just choose the client and track your time or select the client and his
projects. This improves the mobile experience, as many users track the time
just per client and activity. We've also had questions about the role of the
Time Tracking user and their ability to create projects. There isn't a great
change here, but we've added the warning that the
user can only create private projects, which means only he can see
the time records related to it; not even the account owner can see them. So
please keep this in mind when telling your users to create projects to track
their time on.
The biggest new
feature (for teams) involves both of these modules: the locking of time periods. In both Attendance and Time Tracking can
the owner or admin of the account choose a date, and any time record before this date,
will be locked.
This means, that no
one can edit these time records anymore. This is helpful, if you have to bill
the time of your team at the end of the week or month. For example, you tell
the team to track their time and on the 31st of the month, you lock the time
period. This ensures you, that you have all the data and that no one can add or
modify any time record. The feature is available in the Time Tracking and
Attendance settings under the "time period lock" tab. Once the time
records are locked, you will see a warning message when opening it and also see
them grayed out in the Attendance timesheet.
In this module,
there have been some minor bug fixes, as in having the manual items appear in
the same order in the app as well as in the PDF. We've also improved the
dashboard a bit, but this module hasn't been the focus of big features in the
last couple of months.
In general for the
whole primaERP account, we've facilitated the way of inviting users and
assigning them to projects. You can now invite one or several users and in
the same window, decide which module they will have access to, what their role
will be in each module and also which projects they are assigned to (you can
also assign them to all projects with just one click). Similarly, you can
create a project and either add members individually or invite all of the users
of the account in one click. This
really helps, especially if you have a larger team.

Also, as you know,
we provide primaERP in 7 languages:
English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Czech and Slovak. As we've
received feedback from our users wanting primaERP in other languages, we decided to make it possible by opening
up the translation to the user community and are asking for your help to
translate the app. Currently, our users are already translating the app into French, Dutch, Italian and Polish. If
you would like to help us translate the app to any of these (or other)
languages, please contact us at Please note, these
languages will only be supported in English.
So what do you
think? Do you like the new features? Are you still missing some which are
important to you? Let us know! :-)
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